April 3rd was our first virtual friend-raiser featuring Rep. Jennifer O’Mara, Rep. Elizabeth Hanbidge and Rep. Mary Jo Daley, with a guest appearance from Rep. Brian Sims. What a success, with over 50 participants!
During the call, our representatives and Executive Director, Christine Jacobs, discussed state legislation begin put forth and how receptive the House is to change, what difference it would make to have a democratic majority and why Represent PA is important when it comes to running for office.
Represent PA brings people together to learn about important policy issues in the Commonwealth and through introductions to candidates who are working to make change in Harrisburg. We use in-person friend-raisers as our primary way to meet new people and help them understand and invest in our work.
In the interest of limiting the impact and spread of COVID-19, all our in-person events are being converted to online events (or canceled when that is not possible.) We are planning webinars, teleconferences and other remote events.
Our endorsement process is underway, and this group of candidates is so outstanding; we look forward to introducing them to you for inspiration! Let us know what might be helpful to you in talking about policy, issues and candidates!