The February 7 breakfast briefing focused on immigration and what states can do in the face of Trump’s draconian actions to arrest and detain people living in the country without immigration status. (Click here for the full briefing).
When U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) comes to arrest people, state governments have some options, including:
- Restricting the use of state and local resources for arrests and detentions.
- Restricting the sharing of immigration status information with privacy laws.
- Limiting the collection of information to only cases presenting subpoenas or warrants.
- Disseminating information to affected communities, ensuring people know what their rights are, and providing access to pro bono legal services when needed.
According to PA State Rep. Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz (HD-129 Berks Co.), House Democrats are doing what they can – such as providing “know your rights” clinics and training, making sure local police and schools are not data-sharing – but she admitted that their hands are tied without a majority in the Senate. This is just another reason why it’s so important to flip the PA Legislature!!
In the meantime, how do we try to break down the false and racist narrative that Trump and his MAGA allies are spreading about immigrants in this country? A webinar I recently listened to organized by the social justice consulting firm Masa Group, provided some valuable insights. (Click here for the full webinar.)
Starting with the presidential campaign and now with Trump in office, we’ve seen a growing “criminalization” of immigrants throughout all forms of media communication. We’ve heard from the White House press secretary that this administration views all undocumented immigrants are “criminals” despite the fact that there is no law making it a crime to live in the U.S. as an undocumented immigrant. Instead, the law treats it as a civil violation. Yet many mainstream media outlets have bought into this “criminal” narrative.
Immigration enforcement is often reported using forceful, military terms (“blitz”) or those used for actions against criminals (“crackdown” or “raid”). Much of the reporting on immigration has been focused on border crossings with not much written about those who’ve lived and worked in the U.S. a long time. Much like sports or disaster reporting, the emphasis has been on numbers – the number of border crossings, the number of arrests – and a sense there are winners and losers, good guys v. bad guys.
Those of us who disagree with this “criminalization” and “disaster” narrative need to recognize what types of immigration messaging are most effective if we want a more realistic, more humane narrative to take hold in this country.
For one thing, we need to stop repeating the words and phrases we’re hearing in the media – “illegal immigrants,” “the undocumented,” “detainees” – and start using “people first” language, such as “a person without a visa,” “people who don’t have immigration status.”
If you’re talking to someone who believes the MAGA narrative on immigration, don’t restate their words. Learn to pivot back to real issues: “I think the heart of the issue is….,” “It really comes down to…,” “I can’t speculate on that, but what I know is….”
We need to stay away from jargon associated with immigration issues and use simple, easy to understand language (e.g., even something as basic as saying “lawyer” instead of “legal representation”). We should avoid expressing outrage unless we can also provide solutions or calls to action. Inundating audiences with problems without solutions or actions often can lead to “compassion fatigue.”
We need to share relatable, humanizing stories that foster a sense of “we” and normalize migration. Talk about mothers, students and workers. Remind people that migration is something all people do and it’s often an act of courage and love.
What nobody is talking about is the real issue – the need for comprehensive immigration reform. We need to create a path for people to become permanent residents. It’s not an easy task and it certainly won’t get done with MAGA Republicans in power.
We know we didn’t succeed in this past election the way we had hoped. But the fact is we face another crucial election in two years. And we need to focus as much on state elections as federal. If we can flip the PA Senate from Red to Blue in 2026, and increase our majority in the PA House, our legislators can enact laws to safeguard the rights of the state’s immigrant communities, as well as all our residents.
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